Wednesday, December 2, 2009

The arcane lane

Hit me hard, I wanna feel the pain
Let the blood flow out of my brain
keep me alive until I get drained
There is nothing left here, for me to gain
Whatever am doing is going in vain
Am crashing hard, under my own disdain
It may sound like one, but this is no complaint
I never thought this will go more than a sextain
The breeze of my thoughts, turned into a hurricane
The storm is loud and am thrown away in the rain
Fighting hard, I wish I could get away in a train
Or may be fly high in an aeroplane!!!!!
Coz You may get a break in a switch, but am no void main()
I wonder where that came from!! you think am insane?
Am tired of this rhyme now, cant do this again n again.


O. Redij said...

Befrigginautiful ... that was really something!! What the heck you're doin' holed up in a stupid services company I cannot fathom...

Vijesh said...

Thanks a lot dude:)

pratibha said...

I kneel down and bow to thee o' superior one :)
The stuff you come up with sometimes seems as if it belonged in a book of verses.Impressive.It boggles me to think that someone I know can write so well!
I bow to thee!