Saturday, February 7, 2009

The Prologue

The boy was 20 years old. The anouncemnt for the next  local just finished when he reached the station.He didnt require any of them to know the train.This was his routine and the indicator showed the train was on time.
08:10   ST  F 
He was just on time asusual.The crowd on the platform was gradually increasing, as it does for every other local.There ll b some space created when the local is gone, but soon it will be filled with new people for the next train. He plugged his earphones and pressed his Apple iPod to life.Kurt Cobain was screaming.."Rape me my freind!"
Fifty minutes ride from Kalyan to Dadar. It was a hell ride and he hated it with increasing agony every day. With a human density of 11 per square meter and under more than eighty percent humidity "Nirvana" was his only little piece of relief.With every paassing minute in train he wished somehow he can make this journey short.Today his wish will be granted...

The train reached the far end of the station and people on the platform prepared themselves like an army arming up themselves seeing the enemy coming from a distance.He jumped into the slowing train and somehow made it to the aisle.He got enough place to keep his two feet and shared the hanging support on top with two others.The train stopped and started moving again.
Two stations passed.Hanging on the support he was sweating heavily for doing nothing.
He heard some quarrel from couple of seats behind.People were struggling to get a glimpse of the fight as if some celebrity has dropped into the train.He just pushed the ear fones hard inside and gave a smile to the little girl standing near the window,ignoring the frustration coming out of the public.
Suddenly there were more sounds and the train started shaking heavily. This wasn't the usual shaking of train and he had never seen it happen before."Is it cause of the fight or a bomb is going to explode?" Random thoughts crossed his mind and everywhere around he could see panic struck faces. It didn't take long for him to realise that the train had been derailed.Nobody new what and when...and the ambiance of chaos was rising rapidly. People around were just crying out of fear.And then suddenly the train stopped, it wasnt shaking anymore. Everyone in the compartment got a lil relieved that there boggie was spared from the shock.
The sigh of relief wasnt for long as the boggie rolled over and landed on its left side. The left side was now on the ground with wheels facing the right side. The only way of escape was the other door which was facing the sky. People inside rolled over each other like bunch of match stick in a matchbox.His head collided with the support bar and legs were entangled with many others.He saw the light coming from above and saw people trying to get out of the train through the only path.He struggled hard and somehow made it to the top, wading through the bodies...not sure they were dead or had just fainted! He could have jumped from there and escaped. But before doing that he turned back and saw the little girl trying hard just to come out and breathe some fresh air.He held the wheels of train with one hand and leaned inside to get hold of the lil girl.His fingers touched hers and the girl stretched her hand to hold his.In next moment he just pulled the girl out of the human bodies...

And the pillow slammed hard on the wall.This wasnt the first time the boy was being a hero in his dream.


Unknown said...

hey i loved this one....
but just wondering...y is it called the "prologue"?

Anonymous said...

It was awesome dude. I never know you write mind bloggling

AnksS said...

Fateh blog man ... !!! u inspire me dude !!!

Vijesh said...

Thanks a lot for all your comments!