Sunday, December 2, 2007

who were they?

They were there...all around me
black n brown white n gray
filled inside with flesh n blood
looked as if they are dolls of clay
enclosed in them I felt like prey

up n down I was washed with soil
the stinking sweat turning it to dirt
the sweat was of heat, the sweat was of strain
or may be the sweat was out of fear.

the clock was ticking n the eyes were still
they all were firm against there will

front n back from right to left I could see them
speechless, senseless, faceless lumps
without expressions...they were just masses of flesh

a predicament from which I wanted to runaway
but the masses were motionless without a say
all were there like insignificant monstrous insects
with a million complaints inside
and a deal for all on there face

the fear was turning into pity
and the pity into anger
for being one amongst them

who were they.
they were all humans!!

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