Saturday, August 25, 2007

The mask of a king

People here live wid mask. Masks that change themselves. Every thought every feeling comes into the world through this mask.The mask hides the true face nd showes something dat will b loved by all.You r afraid to show urself to this world coz other's likes is not what u like.So, u love to use dis mask which keeps the people wid u nd u use it more. Slowly, the mask becomes your own part nd den u loose urself.What remains is a person who is made up of feelings and likes of other people.

But he wont throw the mask out! coz he knows he canot live without dis mask.But he wont wear it !! He will keep the mask at a distance, so dat he knows wts in him nd wts coming out of the mask.He will hve his own self wid him nd show the world wt it likes.He hates this people around,but he needs dem.He needs dem all to worship him.
steping on dem he will climb.
climb nd climb nd climb.
He will climb so high dat u wont b able to see him.nd wen u wont see him u will call him god !!!


Anonymous said...

People should read this.

Unknown said...

u could rite so well////
its absolutely true......