Sunday, June 24, 2007

The Story...

The time of ur life
wen things don work ur way
bitter truths of life betray u
n u don wish dem 2 say

Wid emptiness u try to fill th void
ground beneath doesnt remain solid
failure becomes th stick of th blind
u feel,th world here is not so kind

In th crowd o people u feel alone
insanity starts creeping in ur bones
in th middle of things u start 2 think
is dis th place u wished ur eyes 2 blink

Distress, apathy,sickness n sorrow
life ll never get out of dis horror .

Not the rite way of thoughts they say,
u got to find ur own stick n way .
searching f0r th things u cant do
controlling ur thoughts is th rite way through

Living this life is a test
nd u cant hve th luxuary to rest
each situation is built wid gr8 care nd effort
u got to face dem to settle

coz the test is in ur mind
cozthe test is of ur mettle...

1 comment:

Isheta said...

i liked this post of says alot in it seriously written by u???if yes..then u write well!