Saturday, December 18, 2010


When I was going up the stairs
I met a man who wasn't there
He wasn't there again today
I wish I wish he'd go away.

-from the movie Identity

Just to keep it alive

Its the only thing I seek
Going through the tunnel of my life
Darkness all around, panick by my side
I pray for the end of this
Where light will pour in and out
and I will be able to see Where I stand
in the journey of my life.


The stars are all over the sky
Twinkling bright in the dark night
I dont need a fag to get high
The music pouring in my ears
its the cacaphony of melody
thats taking me away from this world.
The dieing life struggling to get its last breath
The green grass trying to fathom its worth!
Faith and hope anchoring the ship of my life.
Why do I to think so hard about tomorrow
Why cant I play the roulette and the dice.
Gambling my way out...
Out of the world of unknown!


How does it feel to be hit by a bullet,
how does it feel to go through a gauntlet,
is it the pain that i fear or the salvation that i seek.
emptiness of my mind
there has to be a end to its depth
free falling in this abyss
m struggling to get a grip on my kismet
The kites are flying high up in the sky
I can see them going out of my reach
am trying to get out of this ubiquitous lie
coz its me who is going down
fighting hard not to get torn
by the storm hitting me on.