Friday, December 19, 2008


one fine day man was born
after an age of mammoths who lived for eons
He was'nt an animal
He was'nt a bird
He was really the best in his own world
Man was given thumb
to evolve n not to succumb
He had brains to make his own gains
He could think
to find n make things
n so the story goes on
the ice age was long back gone..

the finds took him higher with each discovery
first it was fire n then came the wheel
tell you, He was haapy
coz now He cud eat n cook his own meal !!
The thurst increasd n his finds grew on
But he cudnt find them all nd it wasnt time to morn
so he started creating things to answer the questions that wernt solved
Man created religion
Religion created god
n they all divided their own lands..

HE saw sun in the morning n moon in the night
the stars wer all over the sky to make a beautiful sight.
what was it, he didnt knew coz these things were really new
He grew old but the answers were never told
n then he created god to answer them all
sun is god moon is god
they all are here as our lords!!!

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Man, Money and Timepass

Whats there in this world to wonder! well there are many and one of them is money.A thing created by man which can be exchanged for any other can practically get anything n everything in exchange for money.
so if u got money u can get any material thing in dis world.
now whats there to wonder about these!!
After creating money man got ways to earn n spend it.wen one spends the other earns.
the biggest thing created for this (earning n spending) is TIME PASS or the better word Entertainment. Perhaps the toughest thing to do is to do nothing.Man cant sit idle so he made things for passing time.
He used money for passing time.
A huge part of money is spent on entertainment and the guys earning most entertain others.
All rich celebrities earn the most coz they entertain others.
So as it turns out..Passing time is a vital thing and you can earn a lot by helping people to do that.